152 T.C. Williams Scholarship Recipients Graduated from T.C. Williams on June 16th. These bright, hard-working students are headed to college next fall thanks to scholarships from the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria, and importantly thanks to the generosity of the Alexandria Community! Congratulations to our 2018 Titan scholarship recipients and thank YOU Alexandria for making college possible for these promising young students in need of financial assistance. Scholarships really do change lives…forever.
Here is a list of the schools and universities our scholarship recipients will be attending next fall!
American University
Amherst College
Boston College
Capitol Technology University
Carleton College
Carthage College
Christopher Newport University
Clemson University
College of Charleston
College of William & Mary
DePaul University
Dillard University
Duke University
Elon University
Emory University
Fairfield University
Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising
George Mason University
George Washington University
Georgetown University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Hampton University
Harrisburg University
James Madison University
Lafayette College
Macalester College
Marymount University
Morgan State University
Norfolk State University
Northern Virginia Community College
Ohio State University
Old Dominion University
Old Dominion University
Randolph College
San Diego State University
Sarah Lawrence College
Savannah College of Art & Design
Stevens Institute of Technology
Swarthmore College
Texas Christian University
The Julliard School
UC Berkeley
University of Auckland
University of Colorado – Boulder
University of Delaware
University of Georgia
University of Glasgow
University of Mary-Washington
University of Missouri
University of Pennsylvania
University of Richmond
University of Virginia
University of West Virginia
Vassar College
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Military Institute
Virginia State University
Virginia Tech
Washington & Lee University
Winston-Salem State University
Yale University