Scholarship Fund Online Silent Auction to Support Scholarships is ON. THANK YOU Auction DONORS.

While our Roaring Twenties Gala has been canceled due to Coronavirus, we can still have a Roaring Good Showing for our Online Silent Auction to support scholarships. Get Registered to be a bidder & stay in the loop now:…/scholarship-fund-…/registration

Profound thanks to our 2020 Gala Chairs Katherine Bertles Hennigan & Pam Jones and our Silent Auction Chair Dorene Wolken Pickup and thank you to our fantastic volunteer Gala Committee members who are working hard to put together an amazing Auction FOR THE KIDS! Thank YOU to the many Alexandria busineses and individuals who have generously donated items that will be featured in our auction. The auction is a great way to support scholarships and a great way to show that you believe in community.

The Kids are Counting on us — the need for scholarships at T.C. Williams is great and growing. We received a record number of scholarship applications this year — 488 applicants. And the many Alexandria families who live near the poverty level are sure to be the hardest hit by the economic impacts of Coronavirus.

Thank YOU Alexandria!

#ScholarshipsChangeLives #ARoaringGoodAuction#TheKidsAreCountingOnUS