On May 24, 2023, 207 deserving Alexandria City High School seniors were presented with their scholarships by—in most cases—the founder of their scholarship. Prior to the ceremony, the senior award winners and donors had the opportunity to meet in the ACHS cafeteria and get to know each other better before shaking hands on stage. Remarks were made by SFA Board of Trustees Chair Kevin Jahns, ACPS School Board Chair Meagan Alderton, SFA Executive Director Jasmine Milone and student-elected speaker, Miracle Gross (recipient of the J. Pondolfino/Academy of Finance Scholarship). The ceremony was attended through an open invitation to families, friends, and the greater Alexandria community who support the SFA mission through volunteering and financial support. Portraits of each recipient and their donor were taken through Scott Sidley Photographs after the presentation on stage. All guests were welcome to mingle at a reception after the evening’s event. The event is a culmination of the SFA’s year-long effort to match Titans with scholarships, launching them into their postsecondary education. Many of the recipients are first-generation college attendees. We look forward to seeing them in the halls of ACHS, and at SFA events in the future.