Announcing the Cancellation of our Roaring ’20s Gala due to COVID-19

It is with great sadness that we announce, for the frst time in 34 years, the CANCELLATION of our upcoming April 25th Roaring Twenties Spring Gala due to the COVID-19 pandemic.The event will not be rescheduled this year. 

This was not a decision we made lightly. This event typically raises $450,000 and not being able to connect and raise funds in the ballroom will greatly impact our ability to support college scholarships for local students in need. However, the health and well-being of our many financial supporters, volunteers and all of those involved comes first. We look forward to seeing many of you at our Sponsor Thank-You Speakeasy Party — which will be reschduled once “Prohibition” is over.And we’ll see ALL of you back on the dance floor next year:Save the Date: Saturday April 24, 2021.

We are extraordinarily grateful to the many local leaders, businesses and individuals who despite the event’s cancellation have donated their sponsorships, tables and tickets as gifts to support scholarships. 

Our Silent Auction is STILL ON! The community can come together to support scholarships for local kids in need by Donating or Registering to take Part in our Online Silent Auction, which will take place ONLINE-ONLY at a date TBD. Thanks to our Silent Auction donors and our Amazing Gala Committee for all of their work on the auction…Onward!

Watch out for the Auction Date…& Register NOW for the Online Auction:

CLICK TO REGISTER for our ONLINE SILENT AUCTION & help support scholarships for kids in need

THANK YOU, ALEXANDRIA ! As we say at the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria, scholarsips change lives forever. And this year, more than ever,the Kids are Counting on Us.

#ScholarshipsChangeLives #TheKidsAreCountingOnUs #ThankYou