What We Do


The Scholarship Fund of Alexandria:
What We Do Together

The Scholarship Fund of Alexandria, a 501(c)(3) organization, was established in 1986 by concerned citizens to help academically qualified students with financial need from Alexandria City Public Schools afford postsecondary education. Through its relationship with the community, the mission of The Scholarship Fund of Alexandria is to encourage and assist the students of Alexandria City Public Schools by providing them with necessary resources to access and complete a college, technical or career program of postsecondary education.

In 1986, when it all began, the SFA awarded just over $7k in scholarships to eight students. Last year alone, we awarded over $1.4 million to support 400+ Alexandria City High School graduates to over 60 different institutions. The SFA  has awarded nearly 20 million dollars in scholarships and helped send more than 5,700 Alexandria students with financial need to college since 1986.

Equally important, how do we get every eligible senior to pursue a postsecondary path? College advising is the vital resource the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria provides to assist each senior in creating a plan for the future. Every year we try to help an even greater number of students.

From ninth grade through college, the SFA is available to assist students and their families get the answers they need to develop as scholars. All ACHS students are welcome to visit us and speak with us year-round, including summer months. We work with PTAs and PTSAs, partner with businesses and community organizations, neighbors, friends, alumni, staff, and ACPS administration. In addition to awarding scholarships, the SFA joins forces with NCAN and VCAN for richer resources, provides FAFSA workshops and individual FAFSA assistance, and holds special events throughout the year.

To award as many scholarships as possible, we develop relationships with the people who believe in our students—the community in which they live, and, with time, the community our students may one day help to grow.

For more information on volunteering, becoming an SFA Application Reader, establishing a scholarship, honoring an ACPS teacher with a scholarship in their name with our help, or donating to the General Scholarship Fund, please contact our office at (703) 824-6730, visit us in Room A-121 at Alexandria City High School, or email us at [email protected]. We look forward to working with you!