
T.C. Williams Class of 1993
B.S., George Mason University, 1998

T.C. Williams Class of 1988
B.A., University of Virginia, 1992

T.C. Williams Class of 1995
B.A., College of William and Mary, 1998

T.C. Williams Class of 1989
B.A., University of Virginia, 1994

Crystal Vanison-Robinson's 12th grade Government Teacher, Jack Esformes, was prescient in 1996 when he wrote about her...
Our September 2018 Scholar of the Month is Ms. Sugeivis Gomez. Ms. Gomez is a freshman at Georgetown University's prestigious School of Foreign Service. The Scholarship Fund and its Director of College Advising Margaret Feldman worked with Ms. Gomez to ensure that she could access all available private and institutional student aid. Coupled with her scholarship from The Scholarship Fund of Alexandria, that student aid is providing Ms. Gomez with a full ride to Georgetown.