A Promise for the Future

The minimum annual need-based award is $3,000.
If you would like to establish a commemorative award to honor a person, an organization, or event, there are five basic decisions which a donor must make at the time of the initial gift. These are:
- the name of the scholarship
- the amount of the annual award
- whether a student may apply for a renewal of your award
- the criteria on which the award will be made
- the terms of the gift
The minimum annual need-based award is $3,000. The Fund also administers scholarships that recognize student achievement regardless of need. Some scholarships are given to students who intend to pursue a specific discipline such as math or fine arts. The remainder are offered on the basis of academic potential and, for many, financial need, as demonstrated by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In all cases, the Fund’s Awards Selection Committee chooses student recipients through a blinded application reading process. Donors are encouraged to consider supporting one student for up to four years by offering renewal scholarships, so long as the student remains qualified and reapplies each year. Please contact the Fund’s office for more detailed information on establishing a scholarship.
Some donors give (often in conjunction with family and friends) a sum of money to endow a scholarship. The income from the endowment becomes the annual student award. Other donors pledge a yearly amount that is awarded as an annual scholarship. Unless special arrangements are made, annual gifts are due to the Fund by March 1 of the year the donor wishes to award the scholarship.
The Scholarship Fund of Alexandria is committed to helping Alexandria’s students reach their highest potential through continued education. The Fund offers you a chance to help in this venture. We welcome your support.
To create a scholarship please review theĀ guidelines and call the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria office at 703.824.6730 or emailĀ [email protected]