Tips for Juniors & Seniors
Junior and senior year make up the most critical time in the application process. Colleges want to see students on an upward trajectory as they prepare to leave high school. They expect students to begin enrolling in college level courses (AP or DE) and to continue to earn high grades (As and Bs). We are here to support you with planning out a college preparatory schedule and selecting colleges that are a good match for your career interests, academic performance, personality AND family financial situation. We will walk with you through the process of filling out applications, brainstorming and editing essays, submitting scholarship and financial aid forms, and more.
Please see the links below for more information:
- Average GPA & SAT/ACT Scores of Virginia Colleges
- Admission Rates, Average GPA, Test Policy for Top Out-of-State Public Schools 22-23
- Average GPA & SAT/ACT Scores for HBCU’s
- Admission Essays
- Is Applying Early Right for You
- Paying for College
- Colleges that Meet 100% of Financial Need
- Colleges Requiring the CSS Profile
- Financial Aid Award Comparison Tool
- Editable Resumé Template-formatted for submission for the SFA application (Microsoft Word Document available for download)
- College Score Card-compare financial aid awards, graduation rates, internships across colleges
- College Search-compare college data; IES, National Center for Educational Statistics
- Net Price Calculator-sticker vs net price
- Career Search-career paths, hiring trends, entry level salaries and training/degree requirements
Events and Help Sessions
2024-25 SFA FAFSA Workshop: ACHS seniors and families, have you started thinking about how you’re going to pay for college? Your first step is to complete the FAFSA!
Be on the lookout for the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria’s FAFSA Information Session each fall. 2024 marks the beginning of a substantial change in FAFSA. We want to help each student and their family walk through all the steps to complete their financial aid information. Smaller group after-school “Appy Hours” allow us to answer the very individual needs of each FAFSA applicant. Check with the SFA office or follow us on social media for more details.
All seniors should pay close attention to their inbox!
Translation will be offered in Spanish, Arabic, and Amharic. More information and registration links are forthcoming.
Ready to Learn More?
Reach out to Ms. Christine Miller, Director of College Advising for grades 11-12.
(703) 824-6685
Alexandria City High School
King Street Campus, College and Career Wing, Room A-115
Make an appointment with Ms. Miller here
Tips for Freshmen and Sophomores
Although college might still feel a long way off, 9th grade marks the start of the college application process for students. The most important piece of the college application process is your high school transcript. Your transcript is a summary of all the courses you’ve taken and the grades you’ve received in those courses from freshman through senior year. So what can you be doing in 9th and 10th grade to ensure you’re on the right path to achieving your goals?
- Take classes that challenge you
- The #1 thing that colleges want to see is that you have pushed yourself to take the most challenging courses available at Alexandria City High School from freshman through senior year
- What does a sample 9th grade schedule look like?
- Honors English 9
- Algebra 1 (or higher)
- Honors World History & Geography: Part 1
- Foreign Language 1 (or higher)
- Honors Science (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, etc.)
- Honors Science OR Elective that you plan to stick with throughout High School (ex: Photography)
- Health/PE 9
- Colleges want to see 4 years of English, Math, Science, History, and Foreign Language—and when possible, AP, Dual Enrollment, and Honors courses
- Get good grades and make college affordable
- Good grades = money for college
- If your family does not have enough money to pay for college, that doesn’t mean you can’t go
- Typically, the more selective the college is (or the better your grades have to be in order to get accepted), the more scholarships and financial aid the school gives away—so focus on your GPA!
- Good grades = money for college
- Know how your Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated
- Every course counts, meaning all grades from Minnie Howard courses count toward your final GPA
- Colleges will see the letter grades you’re receiving in your senior year courses, but the GPA they will judge you by will only include 9th, 10th, and 11th grade courses
- Get involved
- Choose a sport, a club, a theater production, or volunteer opportunity that you enjoy and commit to it for all 4 years of high school, preparing yourself to take on leadership positions junior year
- As you get involved with activities, start building a résumé to keep track of what you have done
- Let us get to know you—visit the Scholarship Fund of Alexandria (SFA) offices here at ACHS
Ready to Learn More?
Reach out to Ms. Christine Miller, Director of College Advising.
(703) 824-6685
Alexandria City High School
King Street Campus, College and Career Wing, Room A-115
Make an appointment with Ms. Miller here
Tips for Alumni
Once a Titan, always a Titan! No matter how many years since you’ve graduated, we are still available to help with any questions or concerns. Whether you’re trying to decide on a college major, considering transferring schools, needing help with renewing financial aid, or just wanting to chat with someone about challenges you may be experiencing in college, we would love to help! Please don’t hesitate to reach out!
Ready to Learn More?
Reach out to Ms. Alyssa Samuel, Director of Scholarship Programming
(703)824-66750 ext 2007
Alexandria City High School
Minnie Howard Campus, L Wing, Room 2006
Make an appointment with Ms. Samuel here